6 years, 6 months ago.

Program erase issue in F303RE

Hello, I am using STm32 F303RE module(Cortex M4) for my two way ranging project. I am connecting two modules to my laptop. but i want to connect one module to other power supply through USB with varrying distance and as I connect it to other power supply or laptop the program burned in it gets erased. and can't give output. and then if I reconnect that module to my PC, I need to burn the program again.

what is this problem? Please help me..

1 Answer

6 years, 6 months ago.

Sounds like JP1 has not been made whilst using an external power supply via USB Note Page 20 of the User Manual UM1724 for all NUCLEO 64 boards of which yours is one Quote "In case the board is powered by an USB charger, there is no USB enumeration, so the led LD3 remains set to OFF permanently and the target STM32 is not powered. In this specific case the jumper JP1 needs to be set to ON, to allow target STM32 to be powered anyway."

Spare jumpers on CN11 and 12 (GND pins) remove one of these and place on JP1

Accepted Answer

Ohh...It works. Thank you so much #Martin.

posted by Ketan Bhaid 02 Nov 2017