6 years, 11 months ago.

nRF5x mbed OS 5.6 low power

Has anybody managed to make basic BLE code working in low power mode on nRF52x ? Even with "tickless" mode scheduler I can still see power consumption 0.5mA which is way too much for nRF52. Thanks. Peter

Is something preventing the MCU from going to sleep or is there any peripherals / pullups drawing power? I've seen way better numbers with simple BLE examples on the nRF5x.

posted by Jan Jongboom 12 Oct 2017

I think this has something to do with software because the same test circuit with nRF52832 loaded with mbed-classic sample program (iBeacon) can go down below 0.01mA which is hard for me even to measure. So hardware issue is out of question, no peripherals used, SWD disconnected.

posted by Peter Kmet 12 Oct 2017

Have you found any solution? I also have 0.5mA current consumption in "idle" mode...

posted by GD PL 16 Dec 2017

Sorry for rant, but it's a shame on ARM they ignore such important feature. What's important for us does not necessary means it is important for mbed. They do not care about production use. And for occasional tinkerers it is good enough although they would grab Arduino instead. mbed is doomed.

posted by Peter Kmet 17 Dec 2017
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