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7 years, 2 months ago.
Call Serial attach method from static function in class
Hi, I have a class in which is running thread: Header file
class Server{ public: Server(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName reset, Serial& serialPc, PinName led1, PinName led3); Serial& pc; Serial esp; DigitalOut reset; protected: DigitalOut led1; // (PTB18) DigitalOut led3; // (PTD1) private: Timer t1; Timer t2; Thread* thread; **static void threadWorker(void const *p);** ...
And in my cpp file have this:
Server::Server(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName reset, Serial& serialPc, PinName led1, PinName led3): esp(tx, rx), pc(serialPc), reset(reset), led1(led1), led3(led3){ esp.attach(callback(this, &Server::serverCallback)); ... thread = new Thread(threadWorker, this); } void Server::threadWorker(void const *p){ Server* self = (Server*) p; ... while(1) { if(self->DataRX==1) { self->ReadWebData(); if (self->servreq == 1 && self->weberror == 0) { self->sendpage(); } **self->esp.attach(callback(&self->Server::serverCallback));**
How to call non static method from static class? In this article: , that is needed to make the non static method global in class or send a pointer to the non static method to the static method.
Can I point, using *self pointer, on the callback function? If not, why not? And how else can I resolve this problem? Thank you.