7 years, 1 month ago.

Connecting NMEA-0183 Device with Nucleo F401RE


I have sensor device with NMEA-0183 connections. But I have problem when I want connecting that device with my nucleo F401RE the data from device cannot display. I was using some gps and nmea-0183 library but data still not display. Can you help me for this problem ?

Thankyou for your attention. Mardiansyah

Can you clarify 'the data from device cannot display'? What is happening? What do you expect, what have you tried, etc.?

posted by Jan Jongboom 05 Sep 2017


Thankyou for your comment. When i try to receive the sensor output there is nothing. I was using serial communication to communicating with sensor but nucleo not receive data. I was using gps parse library and try to show the output but there is nothing show.

posted by Galuh Mardiansyah 07 Sep 2017

1 Answer

7 years, 1 month ago.

Did you match interface between GPS and F401RE? (such as RS232 or RS422) And Could you check specification of protocol such as baudrate, data bits, stop bits, parity bits?


Thankyou for your replies, for the interface i am using rs485 to ttl module, before i am using nucleo, i was use arduino uno for display sensor data and that is succesfull, but when i change arduino to nucleo data sensor can not display, baud rate i am using 4800, on sensor datasheet not give information about databits, stop bits and other just communication protocol using nmea-0813. Can you help me ?

posted by Galuh Mardiansyah 07 Sep 2017

Do you use mbed in F401RE board? Let me know your source code!

posted by JongOk Baek 07 Sep 2017

Yes I am using mbed in F401RE

posted by Galuh Mardiansyah 11 Sep 2017