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7 years, 4 months ago.
[nRF52832] Unable to configure InterruptIn + PullDown on P0_1
Hello !
I am currently working on a custom board on which I don't need 32.768kHz. I want to use P0_1 as an interruption pin connected to a pushbutton. The button is connected to VCC so when it's pressed it imposes a high logical level on the GPIO. I configured configured the GPIO to enable the internal pull-down so the low logical level is forced when pushbutton is not pressed.
InterruptIn code example
bool pressed = false; void pushbutton1_handler( void ) { pressed = true; } InterruptIn bp1( P0_1 ); int main( void ) { bp1.rise( &pushbutton1_handler ); bp1.mode( PullDown ); while(1) { if( pressed == true ) { LOG("pressed\r\n"); pressed = false; } } }
I run this code and measure the voltage on P0_1, which is supposed to be grounded, but I measure 3.3V
Is there a known issue related to this situation ?