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7 years, 4 months ago.
Strange Compile Error of Eclipse Paho MQTT Client with mbed-os 5 3244:4c2560 - NonCopyable.h
When I try to compile the with actual mbed 5 3244:4c2560, I get following Error:
Error: "mbed::NonCopyable<T> &mbed::NonCopyable<T>::operator=(const mbed::NonCopyable<T> &) [with T=mbed::Timer]" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/HelloMQTTextras/mbed-os.lib/platform/NonCopyable.h', '163'); return false;">/extras/mbed-os.lib/platform/NonCopyable.h:163</a>) is inaccessible in "extras/mbed-os.lib/drivers/Timer.h", Line: 50, Col: 24
extras/mbed-os.lib/platform/NonCopyable.h:163</a>) is inaccessible in "extras/mbed-os.lib/drivers/Timer.h" Is this a mbed-os 5 bug ???
How can it be fixed? Or how can I get MQTT compiled and running on my target?
1 Answer
7 years, 4 months ago.
Hello Martin,
In the MQTT
library try to modify the MQTTmbed.h
file as follows:
#if !defined(MQTT_MBED_H) #define MQTT_MBED_H #include "mbed.h" class Countdown { public: Countdown() { t = new Timer(); } Countdown(int ms) { t = new Timer(); countdown_ms(ms); } ~Countdown() { delete t; } bool expired() { return t->read_ms() >= interval_end_ms; } void countdown_ms(unsigned long ms) { t->stop(); interval_end_ms = ms; t->reset(); t->start(); } void countdown(int seconds) { countdown_ms((unsigned long)seconds * 1000L); } int left_ms() { return interval_end_ms - t->read_ms(); } private: Timer* t; unsigned long interval_end_ms; }; #endif
For explanation see