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7 years, 4 months ago.
I2C mbed::NonCopyable
I downloaded HelloWorld_53L0A1 example from site, and tried to compile it for the platform stm32f401. Compilation fails with the full message as follows
Error: "mbed::NonCopyable<T> &mbed::NonCopyable<T>::operator=(const mbed::NonCopyable<T> &) [with T=mbed::I2C]" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/HelloWorld_53L0A1extras/mbed_a97add6d7e64/platform/NonCopyable.h', '163'); return false;">/extras/mbed_a97add6d7e64/platform/NonCopyable.h:163</a>) is inaccessible in "extras/mbed_a97add6d7e64/drivers/I2C.h", Line: 57, Col: 22
Any pointers how to proceed?
This project builds fine for me with GCC_ARM on F401RE.
posted by Jan Jongboom 02 Aug 2017