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7 years, 4 months ago.
Unable to store AT command response from sim808 module!
Hello all, I am working with the STM32L031k6 microcontroller with the SIM808 GSM/GPS module. This is my hardware connection:
- SIM808_TX >> STM32 PA_15
- SIM808_RX >> STM32 PA_2
In the main.cpp, I am declaring:
Serial GPRS(PA_2, PA_15); //MCU tx,rx
Every thing is working great. I am able to make an MQTT connection and send dummy data as well.
What I want to do is to read the GPS Data, extract the latitude and Longitude and publish them.
The process to get GPS data is:
the command <<code>>AT+CGNSINF <</code>>
will reply with the string I want to use.
I am trying everything possible, but I am unable to save the reply of "AT+CGNSINF" command!
How can I read the response and save it in a variable? If I can get it in a variable, I can later use it to extract the latitude and longitude and publish it using MQTT.
Any help in the matter is highly appreciated!
My code is as follows:
#include "mbed.h" #include <string.h> const int buffer_size = 255; char buffer[buffer_size+1]; char gpsstr[buffer_size+1]; char response[200]; Serial GPRS(PA_2, PA_15); //MCU tx,rx Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX,9600); void cle() { for(int i=0;i<buffer_size;i++) { buffer[i]=0; } } void rec() { //cle(); int i=0; while(GPRS.readable()&& i<buffer_size) { buffer[i]=GPRS.getc(); i++; } } int main(){ pc.printf("starting code..."); wait(2); GPRS.attach(&rec, Serial::RxIrq); wait(1); GPRS.printf("AT\r\n"); wait(1); GPRS.printf("AT+CGNSPWR=1\r\n"); wait(1); GPRS.printf("AT+CGNSSEQ=RMC\r\n"); wait(1); cle(); GPRS.printf("AT+CGNSINF\r\n"); wait(1); //getResponse(); GPRS.printf("data:%s",buffer); }
1 Answer
7 years, 4 months ago.
Take a look at the ATParser library which uses a BufferedSerial object underneath. That should make it a lot easier to deal with the chip.
Example on how you use it is in esp8266-driver.