7 years, 7 months ago.

Importing Code From STM32CubeMX to MBED Online Compilier


I am trying to create a project in which I enable the onboard opamp of my STM32L432KC for testing purposes.

First, I open STM32CubeMX, select my microcontroller, and enable the onboard opamp. I then generate my code (for IDE/Toolchain 'SW4STM32') and put it in a zip folder and upload to MBED online compilier. I then try compiling my code and get a bunch of error #0, For example:

Error: A1137E: Unexpected characters at end of line in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 47, Col: 17 Error: A1137E: Unexpected characters at end of line in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 48, Col: 16 Error: A1137E: Unexpected characters at end of line in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 49, Col: 16 Error: A1137E: Unexpected characters at end of line in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 50, Col: 16 Error: A1163E: Unknown opcode g_pfnVectors , expecting opcode or Macro in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 52, Col: 23 Error: A1163E: Unknown opcode Default_Handler , expecting opcode or Macro in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 53, Col: 23 Error: A1163E: Unknown opcode _sidata , expecting opcode or Macro in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 57, Col: 21 Error: A1163E: Unknown opcode _sdata , expecting opcode or Macro in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 59, Col: 21 Error: A1163E: Unknown opcode _edata , expecting opcode or Macro in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 61, Col: 21 Error: A1163E: Unknown opcode _sbss , expecting opcode or Macro in "opamptest/SW4STM32/startup_stm32l432xx.s", Line: 63, Col: 21

Is there something that I am doing wrong before I import my code to the MBED online Compilier?


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