7 years, 5 months ago.

BLE gattServer onUpdatesEnabled callback type


Sorry for the really simple beginners question, but I'm trying to register a callback to the BLE API's GATT server event 'onUpdatesEnabled'.

A BLE instance is the main class for working with Bluetooth LE:

BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();

The BLE object exposes the GATT server, which has a function for registering callbacks for its onUpdatesEnabled event. The signature of the function is:

void onUpdatesEnabled(EventCallback_t callback)

The EventCallback_t type is defined as:

typedef FunctionPointerWithContext<GattAttribute::Handle_t> EventCallback_t;

So, I've created a function called onUpdatesEnabledCallback like so:

void onUpdatesEnabledCallback(GattAttribute::Handle_t *handle)
    // Do stuff

and I try to register the callback using:


But I get the following compile error:


Error: No suitable constructor exists to convert from "void (GattAttribute::Handle_t *)" to "FunctionPointerWithContext<GattAttribute::Handle_t>" in "ButtonService.h", Line: 47, Col: 44

What am I missing please?


1 Answer

7 years, 3 months ago.

The method should be void onUpdatesEnabledCallback(GattAttribute::Handle_t handle) { Do stuff }

The parameter is the handle, not pointer to handle.