7 years, 5 months ago.

Import Issue

Hello All,

I am trying to import this library to the mBed compiler for the ST Nucleo F401, but I'm having the following error over and over: "an error occurred while cloning remote repository ..." Any idea why please?

Thanks :)

Question relating to:

Hi Gilmore,

Sorry for the issues, have you tried a different browser, possibly clearing your cache?

Not sure of the issue as of yet, I can import fine.

Can you import any other libraries?


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 11 Jul 2017

Hello Andrea,

This morning I managed to import and compile the code :) Also, I transferred the bin file and its working great!

Thanks for the fast response.

Regards, Gilmore

posted by Gilmore Sacco 11 Jul 2017
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