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7 years, 4 months ago. This question has been closed. Reason: Off Topic
1 Answer
7 years, 4 months ago.
Hello Minsuk,
Try the code below. Never been tested with real hardware but may work.
#include "mbed.h" #include "uLCD_4DGL.h" #include "ultrasonic.h" // RGB LED Setup class RGBLed { public: RGBLed(PinName redpin, PinName greenpin, PinName bluepin); void write(float red, float green, float blue); private: PwmOut _redpin; PwmOut _greenpin; PwmOut _bluepin; }; RGBLed::RGBLed(PinName redpin, PinName greenpin, PinName bluepin) : _redpin(redpin), _greenpin(greenpin), _bluepin(bluepin) { //50Hz PWM clock default a bit too low, go to 2000Hz (less flicker) _redpin.period(0.0005); } void RGBLed::write(float red, float green, float blue) { _redpin = red; _greenpin = green; _bluepin = blue; } volatile bool distanceChanged = false; volatile int newDistance; volatile bool updateTemperature = true; DigitalIn alarm(p29, PullUp); //internal pull up DigitalOut led1(LED1); DigitalOut led2(LED2); Timeout distanceTimeout; Timeout temperatureTimeout; Timeout alarmTimeout; float tempC, tempF; AnalogIn TMP36(p15); uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9, p10, p11); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin; RGBLed myRGBled(p23, p22, p21); //RGB PWM pins void turnLed1Off(void); void turnLed2Off(void); void dist(int distance); void nextUpdate(void); ultrasonic mu(p6, p7, .1, 1, &dist); //Set the trigger pin to p6 and the echo pin to p7 void turnLed1Off(void) { led1 = 0; } void turnLed2Off(void) { led2 = 0; } void dist(int distance) { distanceChanged = true; newDistance = distance; if ((distance < 3200) && (led2 != 1)) { led2 = 1; distanceTimeout.attach(callback(&turnLed2Off), 2.0); } } void nextUpdate(void) { updateTemperature = true; } int main(void) { mu.startUpdates(); while (1) { if (updateTemperature) { tempC = ((TMP36 * 3.3) - 0.600) * 100.0; tempF = (9.0 * tempC) / 5.0 + 32.0; uLCD.locate(0, 0); uLCD.printf("%5.2F%cF", tempF, 176); if (tempF > 80) { uLCD.locate(0, 1); uLCD.printf("HOT "); myRGBled.write(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); //red } else if (tempF < 66) { uLCD.locate(0, 1); uLCD.printf("COLD"); myRGBled.write(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //blue } else { uLCD.locate(0, 1); uLCD.printf("FAIR"); myRGBled.write(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); //green } updateTemperature = false; temperatureTimeout.attach(callback(&nextUpdate), 1.0); // next update after 1s } mu.checkDistance(); if (distanceChanged) { uLCD.locate(0, 2); uLCD.printf("%dmm", newDistance); distanceChanged = false; } if ((!alarm) && (led1 != 1)) { led1 = 1; alarmTimeout.attach(callback(&turnLed1Off), 2.0); // after 2s turn LED1 off } } }
Thank you for the quick help! The temperature does constantly refresh, however the PIR and the ultrasound is not working. The ultrasound holds the same value for the distance...
posted by 08 Jul 2017Sounds promising. So let's make the ultrasound and LED2 work. Double check the wiring. Then use the code below and try to move the object so that the distance becomes less than 3200mm. Let me know how it works.
#include "mbed.h" #include "uLCD_4DGL.h" #include "ultrasonic.h" volatile bool distanceChanged = false; volatile int newDistance; DigitalOut led2(LED2); Timeout distanceTimeout; uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9, p10, p11); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin; void turnLed2Off(void); void dist(int distance); ultrasonic mu(p6, p7, .1, 1, &dist); //Set the trigger pin to p6 and the echo pin to p7 void turnLed2Off(void) { led2 = 0; } void dist(int distance) { distanceChanged = true; newDistance = distance; if ((distance < 3200) && (led2 != 1)) { led2 = 1; distanceTimeout.attach(callback(&turnLed2Off), 2.0); } } int main(void) { mu.startUpdates(); while (1) { mu.checkDistance(); if (distanceChanged) { uLCD.locate(0, 0); uLCD.printf("%dmm", newDistance); distanceChanged = false; } } }
Let's add temperature.
#include "mbed.h" #include "uLCD_4DGL.h" #include "ultrasonic.h" volatile bool distanceChanged = false; volatile int newDistance; volatile bool updateTemperature = true; DigitalOut led2(LED2); Timeout distanceTimeout; Timeout temperatureTimeout; float tempC, tempF; AnalogIn TMP36(p15); uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9, p10, p11); // serial tx, serial rx, reset pin; void turnLed2Off(void); void dist(int distance); ultrasonic mu(p6, p7, .1, 1, &dist); //Set the trigger pin to p6 and the echo pin to p7 void turnLed2Off(void) { led2 = 0; } void dist(int distance) { distanceChanged = true; newDistance = distance; if ((distance < 3200) && (led2 != 1)) { led2 = 1; distanceTimeout.attach(callback(&turnLed2Off), 2.0); } } void nextUpdate(void) { updateTemperature = true; } int main(void) { mu.startUpdates(); while (1) { if (updateTemperature) { tempC = ((TMP36 * 3.3) - 0.600) * 100.0; tempF = (9.0 * tempC) / 5.0 + 32.0; uLCD.locate(0, 0); uLCD.printf("%5.2F%cF", tempF, 176); updateTemperature = false; temperatureTimeout.attach(callback(&nextUpdate), 1.0); // next update after 1s } mu.checkDistance(); if (distanceChanged) { uLCD.locate(0, 1); uLCD.printf("%dmm", newDistance); distanceChanged = false; } } }
Keep in mind that mbed works at 3.3V. So you have to make also the SEN-08630 PIR to work at 3.3V. According to the description available at this can be achieved by installing a jumper wire past the 5V regulator on the PIR board. Once done try the code I have posted in my first answer. Notice that it contains some modifications. The reason I put it there is not to exceed the 3000 char limitation for this page.
NOTE: In addition to configuring mbed's DigitalInput with pull up resistor you can install also an external 4k7 resistor between the PIR's ouput line and +3.3V. Also remember to connect the PIRs ground to the mbed's ground.