7 years ago.

nRF52 DK Interface FW

Hi there,

I'm using a nRF52-DK for a while, but now I made a bad misstake: overwrote the interface firmware. I pressed accidentally the RESET button and flashed a wrong hex file. Now it does nothing, no blinking LED, no USB, no bootloader, just nothing.

To recover it, I soldered some wires to the SAM3u2c JTAG-Pins and connected them to a J-Link. Then I tried to flash as followed:

  • 0x00000: 0243_sam3u2c_mkit_dk_dongle_nrf5x_0x5000.bin
  • 0x80000: nrf5x_atsam3u2c_if_mbed_V0221_11012017.bin

But if I flash one section, the other will be overwritten, too. I tried Segger's Flash Lite and Embedded Studio and to verify it's Mem-tool.

Do you have any ideas how I may recover it, please?

Thank you very much! Oliver

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