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7 years, 9 months ago. This question has been closed. Reason: Off Topic
Every second fail on Nucleo F446RE
Hi, I am sorry for my bad English. I want connect my Nucleo (F443RE) with DS2484 aka bridge i2c to onewire. When I tried to use OneWire library from mbed storage, I identified a problem with i2c communication.
So I made a simple test...
#include "mbed.h" #define ADRS 0x30 // 7bit i2c address of 1Wire master represented by DS2484 #define DEVICE_RESET 0xF0 // hex code for reset 1Wire master device Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX); I2C i2c(PB_9, PB_8); // i2c1 pins int main() { char data_write[1]; char data_read[1]; data_write[0] = DEVICE_RESET; i2c.write(ADRS, data_write,1) ; wait(1); while(1){ wait_us(10);, data_read, 1); pc.printf("registr 0x%X \n", data_read[0]); //Print to PC program Termite data_read[0]= 0; } }
This code send reset command for bridge and in While function again and again try to read a status registr of the bridge. Result in Termite is... "registr 0x18 registr 0x0 registr 0x18 registr 0x0" again and again same result...
Same code I tested on Nucleo F767ZI without problem, result is always "registr 0x18".
BTW: I have pull up on I2c lines, I2c address work well.
I have an idea where the problem is but I am a Newbe so... Where is the problem? :)
Best regards and thx, John
1 Answer
7 years, 9 months ago.
Hi Jan, there is a problem with the I2C on (some) ST platforms (see here). The issue was raised on github (see here) and has been addressed in a new revision of the library. Right click on mbed.lib in you project and select ''update''. I think the fix is included in the most recent release, otherwise it will be soon..