7 years, 9 months ago.

Example code using VL53L0X Satellites (WITHOUT USING X-NUCLEO-53L0A1)

I have been struggling for many many hours trying to get the VL53L0X Satellites ToF range sensor to work with my Nucleo-F446RE with no success whatsoever. Does anyone have a simple example code I can use to get started with, that does not rely on the expansion board?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


1 Answer

7 years, 9 months ago.


Are you trying to just get the VL53L0X sensor to work itself via i2c?

Have a look at my repo at: https://github.com/ARMmbed/VL53L0X-mbedOS

This is a simple program with the libraries, it should get it up and running.


Andrea, team mbed

Hi Andrea,

I am wanting to use the sensors with I2C. Thank you for sharing your code. I have tried to run your code but for some reason, i am only getting an output value of 0. I have run the expansion board example and that works so the pin assignments can be the only issue, I am using: D15, D14 (SCL, SDA). Where in the code do I change this?



posted by Shiloh Williams 02 Jun 2017

Hi again,

I have now changed the i2c( ) to the correct pin outs. But for some unknown reason, I am still getting an output of 0mm. Does anyone have any ideas here?



posted by Shiloh Williams 26 Jun 2017

Hi , I am trying this code too, but i got 0 mm as the above, but if i change the I2C i2c(PF_0, PF_1) in Vl53L0x_i2c_platform.cpp to I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); the value is always 3208 . I can't figure out where is the mistake . Does your code run on your board successfully?



posted by johnny lin 29 Jan 2018