7 years, 3 months ago.

RF24Mesh and F401RE!

Hello guys, I've been trying to use the arduino Lib rf24Mesh on the F401RE!

I already made the RF24Network, RF24 and the RF24L01P to work on this project, thanks to some tips of you guys and a few well known libs from this community! Thank you Very Much!

The problem I'm Facing with the RF24Mesh is simples: The lib was made to work why rasp PI and Arduino, I already tested it on Arduino! and there are parts in the code where the autor creates .txt files at the rasp PI to save the nodes address! at the arduino the autor don't use it and I have no ideia how he keeps the node address or how can I convert it to the mbed F401RE!!

NEED help ^^

Thats the link of the LIB .cpp


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