7 years, 7 months ago.

SPI and I2C at same time - Nucleo F103RB

Dear All,

I am using a Wiznet W5500 via SPI to send UDP packets. I get the information for the packets via I2c, but when i want to receive a I2C packet, the complete UDP server crashes. I can imagine it won't send some messages for a short time, but why does it crash completely?

Does anyone know if there are some double timers or stuff inside the Nucleo F103RB?

1 Answer

7 years, 6 months ago.

I use an SPI LCD and three I2C sensors at the same time with the Nucleo F103RB, so SPI and I2C works together. Your problem will be somewhere else.

"I am using a Wiznet W5500 via SPI to send UDP packets." OK, W5500 is an SPI device.

"I get the information for the packets via I2c" What I2C device do you use?

I am using an Atmel Microcontroller as I2C device, where the the STM is in Slave mode and the Atmel in Master mode.

posted by Jan Weinands 24 May 2017