7 years, 6 months ago.

Is everything Ok with the vector library? (how heavy on memory is this?)

For the first time I am trying to use "vector" in my code (STM32) However, just by putting the <<code>>#include <vector> <</code>> I get a ton of errors like

Error: Expected an identifier in "opt/RVCT_5.05/bin/../include/rw/_algobase.h", Line: 190, Col: 14 Error: Expected an identifier in "opt/RVCT_5.05/bin/../include/vector", Line: 606, Col: 11 Error: Expected a ";" in "opt/RVCT_5.05/bin/../include/vector", Line: 606, Col: 11


Is there some way I can use vectors in my code??

Found the solution based on https://developer.mbed.org/forum/mbed/topic/3924/?page=1#comment-52790 It seems we can not set any macros called "swap" in our own code

posted by Cristian Fuentes 22 May 2017
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