7 years, 5 months ago.

Bluetooth HID advice?

Hey everyone, just want to start some discussion about Bluetooth HID breakouts and how to implement them in projects. My current project involves reading orientation from an IMU with I2C, and then translating that to mouse movement.

Right now, the team has achieved mouse movement while the IMU is tethered using the mbed USBMouse library. The next step is to take orientation, and somehow convert it into a packet to send over Bluetooth to a computer... this is where everything gets hazy for me.

How feasible is this project? If it is feasible at all, please recommend a solid Bluetooth HID breakout for our project :)

If this isn't feasible, I think we can get it done by using an additional mbed microcontroller as a base station, which will be tethered to the computer. Then, the two mbed MCUs can just communicate with a Bluetooth breakout without the HID part.

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