7 years, 8 months ago.

setting kHZ for pwm, I'm looking to set a standard pulse width of 10khz to 50khz to remove jitter,

I cannot find in the libraries where this is setup or managed. The current PWM libraries have a low refresh rate. And the jitter in changing from 100 to 75, 50 and 25% make it unusable and the float only effects the brightness not the refresh rate of 10khz or 50khz. Anyone have any recommendations. I guess I'm not finding what I need in the existing libraries.

I currently have this driven by a n-ch mosfet 3-5v.

Any help is appreciated.

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

The standard is always set at 20ms (so 50Hz). With the period function you can set it to whatever you like. However I see you are talking about the NRF MCUs, which is relevant since their PWM is semi-software. So it can be impacted by other interrupts.

Accepted Answer