7 years, 8 months ago.

How to put OS to STM?

Hi, bought an STM32F401RE and would like to learn the uCOS2 OS. I realise this is the mbed community but I figure experienced people here are somewhat likely to know what steps might be required to put uCOS2 to my STM.


1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

Have you looked at the Micrium porting guide for ucosii? https://doc.micrium.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16879501

Accepted Answer

Thanks, that was a good read. They have a section to filter by board so STM32F4xx option seems like something to start with. I think I have to apply to get the code though so tried that.

posted by STM F401RE 10 May 2017