7 years, 2 months ago.


Is it possible to use any http client library on this board?

Question relating to:

The STM32F746G-DISCO discovery board (32F746GDISCOVERY) is a complete demonstration and development platform for STMicroelectronics ARM® Cortex®-M7 core-based STM32F746NGH6 microcontroller.

Hi Javier,

I would recommend you to read this Blog entry: https://developer.mbed.org/blog/entry/Using-HTTP-HTTPS-MQTT-and-CoAP-from-mbed/

I have used to HTTP client library on a NUCLEO STM32-F746ZG with Ethernet port.

Best regards.

PS: Let me know if you speak spanish.

posted by Felícito Manzano 05 May 2017

Si, en Español mejor.......Muchas gracias Felícito por tu ayuda. ¿Tienes algún código de prueba con esto?

posted by Javier Dominguez Blanco 05 May 2017
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