7 years, 9 months ago.

Are the moderators sleeping on duty at mbed.org

Hi all

Since there is no other way to get in touch, I hope to get an answer this way

I have TWICE tried to post on the News and Announcements forum, and the post has been left pending. Last approved post is 11 days ago!

What is going on here? Is there no-one taking care of the forums? IMHO, Since the early days of the mbed, vitality of discussion has gone down. Way down.

Wake up, start processing the pending posts or remove the moderation. I

Jonne / Finland

Besides your issue with moderation, the second issue is that the forum is of limitted use to be frank. Since they placed every library update, new program, etc on the front page, the new forum posts are not visible anymore from the normal mbed developers page. So question work fine since they are visible, but forum posts not so much.

posted by Erik - 29 Apr 2017

3 Answers

7 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Jonne, Thank you for bringing the moderation issue to our attention, we are sorry for the delays caused. While we are still investigating the root cause of the issue I would like to bring to your attention that your post is now live on the mbed forum. https://developer.mbed.org/forum/news-announcements/topic/27722/

We are working hard at making sure that our infrastructure is working reliably in providing all the necessary resources and best possible user experience to the mbed developer community. Please reach out to us at support@mbed.org with questions, comments or concerns. We are always listening for suggestions.

Congratulations on good luck on the Pokitto Kickstarter campaign!

- mbed Support Team

Accepted Answer
7 years, 9 months ago.

I have rarely had any response from MBED. I even submitted an Adafruit GPS shield that can be made compatible with a Nucleo board and got no reply.....Ever!!!!!!

7 years, 9 months ago.

I'll investigate to see if it is technical or personnel or both.

Apologies for any delays in review; we've had to tackle some pretty annoying human-powered spam attacks, but if the mechanisms/processes to control that put in are really getting in the way of your activities, that isn't great.

We'll get back to you...

Hi Simon. I know you are the force behind the whole mbed story. I am about to bring several thousand new mbed users into the fray with something the mbed ecosystem has not seen before (www.pokitto.com). And I am deeply concerned about the vitality of the mbed forums because of that. Right now I have a comment waiting about the Kickstarter being live. 24 minutes after pressing post, the comment is in moderation. It gives a very bad impression of the state of things here. Even LPC forums have more oomph. I am not kidding, I am genuinely concerned.

posted by Jonne Valola 28 Apr 2017

Yep - forums etc need some love, and i'm pleased to say are going to get it ;) I'll be introducing a few people in the next few weeks who'll be looking at this type of thing, so will make sure they are available to chat with any of you on your experiences/issues to get them fixed.

posted by Simon Ford 29 Apr 2017

Did anyone ever get introduced? From a public standpoint there isn't much of a community here. Where are those 250,000 mbed developers?

posted by Garrett LoVerde 19 Jul 2017

Hi, I have recently joined the mbed team as the developer experience lead. I will connect with you separately to hear your feedback. Please share your ideas/thoughts/concerns via our support line so we can improve and enhance our services for the benefit of the developer community.

posted by Senthil Rangaswamy 20 Jul 2017