7 years, 10 months ago.

LoRaWAN demo?

I have a P-NULCEO LRWAN1 module (STM32NUCLEO73RZ + 1272SX). I am trying to run the demo application. In the manual it says, I need to load a firmware from the ICube extension into the STM. I did download the iCube expansion to my computer. What file am I required to download into the board. There are multiple files in the folder. Also, should I import the iCube extension into the mbed library? HELPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!

Hello Azim, I have not used AC6 so far, I am using mbed online and offline (via gcc/gdb on my Mac), as well as Keil for debugging. Yes the problem is that STM does not include a "demo.bin" image, you needs to compile it yourself.

However a single compiled demo is very limited because you cannot play with the parameters, like frequency, spreadingfactor, TX power, etc.

PS: You can register for a Keil MDK Test drive period, this removes the code limitations, and you get something to work right away.

posted by Helmut Tschemernjak 24 Apr 2017

1 Answer

7 years, 10 months ago.

My understanding is that ST has no mbed driver ready for it, The Cube demo app/source is for Keil/ARM but not for mbed. However you should be able to use the mbed Semtech driver 1276 to get it to work. This needs some work to define the right SPI and DIO0-5 Pins.I did this successfully once for another Lora chip.

I expect to receive your LRWAN1 module and will have time in a couple of weeks to get it to work within mbed. Regards Helmut

Hello Helmut, As of now I am using Eclipse with the STM32 Toolchain, AC6. I imported the LoraWANdemo package onto Eclipse but on building it I am getting errors(59) :o. A majority of the errors are because of invalid arguments. I used Kiel but due to code size limitations I had to switch AC6. What I am not understanding is how to get the LoRa demo to work. In the other demos, i just had to download the .bin file onto the boards. The LoRa demo requires me to put some iCube firmware in the board. I did download the software package, but I do not know what file to upload.

posted by Azim Malik Abdul Aziz 24 Apr 2017

I added sx1276 support (not 1272), see details here: https://developer.mbed.org/questions/78000/Support-for-the-STM-B_L072Z_LRWAN1-LoRa-/

posted by Helmut Tschemernjak 18 May 2017