7 years, 10 months ago.

error in SX1276PingPong example

I am trying to modify SX1276PingPong example by adding the following code:

Adding a boolean variable at the following place: int main() { uint8_t i; bool isMaster = true; bool isFirst = true;

and adding a condition as following:

if( strncmp( ( const char* )Buffer, ( const char* )PongMsg, 4 ) == 0 && isFirst)

But there are always when I tried to compiling it:

Error: Symbol asm_9_radio_cpp_e14be7ea_Z7REV16j multiply defined (by radio.NUCLEO_L073RZ.o and radio.NUCLEO_L073RZ.o). Error: Symbol asm_9_radio_cpp_e14be7ea_Z7REVSHi multiply defined (by radio.NUCLEO_L073RZ.o and radio.NUCLEO_L073RZ.o). Error: Symbol Radio::Radiosub_object(RadioEvents_t*) multiply defined (by radio.NUCLEO_L073RZ.o and radio.NUCLEO_L073RZ.o). Error: Not enough information to list the image map. Info: Unable to download. Fix the reported errors...

Can anyone help me to fix this error? Thx

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