7 years, 8 months ago.

What is the best way to offer multiple patches or changes for the default MAXREFDES100 HSP_GUI app?

We've been working the with MAXREFDES100 HSP_RPC_GUI program as a jumping-off point for our own application. We downloaded the source code from the online mbed tools, and have been using the provided "GCC for embedded ARM" toolchain to locally compile and link.

I greatly appreciate the working examples provided, as well as the accompanying source code. We have found and fixed a number of minor issues (static_cast<>, reinterpret_cast<>, etc) so that it now compiles on gcc without error messages. We also found and fixed a minor issue with bit-ordering for the accelerometry data.

What is the simplest (command-line) means of doing a fresh clone of the current mbed sources (location and repo type) for all 3 projects (HSP, mbed_os, and USBDevice), and then pushing our changes to the appropriate repository that the maintainers get a pull request for the HSP, mbed_os, and USBDevice projects? Who should we notify once we push those updates?

Thanks, -Tom

Question relating to:

MAXREFDES100# Health Sensor Platform

1 Answer

7 years, 7 months ago.

Hello Tom,

Please take a look at the CLI tools offered by mbed, https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/5.1/dev_tools/cli/.

For libraries/programs hosted on mbed, hg is used as the VCS. mbed-os is hosted on gitHub.

The device drivers in the HSP folder of the HSP_RPC_GUI do not have their own repos, so the best way would be to clone the program with hg and submit pull requests to that repo with hg.

I hope this helps.
