7 years, 6 months ago.


I have been trying to get this board to work for a little while now, and have found some major pin out mistakes.

Number 1

  • D5 and D13 are connected (P0_16)
  • A4 and D14 are connected (P0_23)
  • A5 and D15 are connected (P0_22)

Number 2

  • A4 and A5 are not Analog In.

It is incomprehensible, with the amount of 'free' pins available. why not use some of them.

For me designing a quick test shield, for CAN and an FTDI breakout board, the ISP pin is now un-accessible !!

And I cannot see any where to 'add' a wire link to my shield to use the second button for ISP. I just don't understand, how these errors got through,

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