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7 years, 8 months ago.
Not getting UDP connection to work with AT+CIPSTA and AT+CIPSEND
So I am trying to establish UDP connection using AT+CIPSTA_CUR, but whenever I am sending message using AT+CIPSEND, I get "ERROR" and "link is not valid". I am supposed to be sending "Hello" only once but comes up as four times and get "ERROR" and "Link is not valid". For code I am using to establish connection, what would be the best option to get rid of this error ?
-- Prep Socket for Data Send --
link is not valid
link is not valid
link is not valid
-- Send String --
-- Prep Socket for Data Send --
link is not valid
link is not valid
link is not valid
-- Send String --
#include "mbed.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX); Serial esp(P4_28, P4_29); // tx, rx DigitalOut reset(P0_4); DigitalOut blueLed(P2_3); DigitalOut greenLed(P2_4); DigitalOut redLed(P2_5); DigitalOut vibr(P2_12); Timer t; int count,ended,timeout; char buf[4096]; char snd[255]; char sendStr[11]; char ssid[32] = "BTHub6-MPZT"; // enter WiFi router ssid inside the quotes char pwd [32] = "DPx4PUpvdENF"; // enter WiFi router password inside the quotes void SendCMD(); void getReply(); int main() { //Make sure all feedback mechanisms are turned off blueLed=0; greenLed=0; redLed=0; vibr=0; //set buad rates for comms esp.baud(115200); serial.baud(115200); // Setup a serial interrupt function to capture received data esp.attach(&getReply, Serial::RxIrq); //Device doesn't appear to need a reset upon waking up so the device is not reset (i.e. reset = 1); reset=1; // Give the user some to setup the virtual terminal wait(5); serial.printf("\n---------- Factory reset device ----------\r\n"); strcpy(snd, "AT+RESTORE\r\n"); timeout=10; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); serial.printf("\n---------- Check status ----------\r\n"); // strcpy(snd, "AT+GMR\r\n"); timeout=2; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); serial.printf("\n---------- Check status ----------\r\n"); // strcpy(snd, "AT+CWMODE_CUR=1\r\n"); timeout=2; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); serial.printf("\n---------- List APs in Range ----------\r\n"); strcpy(snd, "AT+CWLAP\r\n"); timeout=10; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); serial.printf("\n---------- Connecting to AP ----------\r\n"); serial.printf("ssid = %s pwd = %s\r\n",ssid,pwd); strcpy(snd, "AT+CWJAP_CUR=\""); strcat(snd, ssid); strcat(snd, "\",\""); strcat(snd, pwd); strcat(snd, "\"\r\n"); timeout=15; SendCMD(); wait(3); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); serial.printf("\n---------- Check APIP ----------\r\n"); //Verify that you still have a station IP address strcpy(snd, "AT+CIPSTA_CUR?\r\n"); timeout=3; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); serial.printf("\n---------- Turn off DHCP for Station----------\r\n"); // strcpy(snd, "AT+CWDHCP_CUR=1,0\r\n"); timeout=2; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); //Prints out response, should be "OK" serial.printf("\n---------- check DHCP settings----------\r\n"); // strcpy(snd, "AT+CWDHCP?\r\n"); timeout=2; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); //Prints out response, should be "OK" serial.printf("\n---------- Turn on Multiple Connections ----------\r\n"); // strcpy(snd, "AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n"); timeout=2; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); /*serial.printf("\n---------- Establishing UDP Connection ----------\r\n"); strcpy(snd, "AT+CIPSTART=4,\"UDP\",\"\",1234,5678,0\r\n"); SendCMD(); timeout=3; getReply(); wait(2); serial.printf(buf);*/ serial.printf("\n---------- Set static Station IP Address ----------\r\n"); // strcpy(snd, "AT+CIPSTA_CUR=\"\",\"\",\"\"\r\n"); timeout=5; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); //Prints out response, should be "OK" //Check to see that the connection has been established serial.printf("\n---------- Connection Information ----------\r\n"); strcpy(snd, "AT+CIFSR\r\n"); //get local IP address timeout=5; SendCMD(); getReply(); serial.printf(buf); while(1) { serial.printf("\n---------- Prep Socket for Data Send ----------\r\n"); strcpy(snd, "AT+CIPSEND=4,20\r\n"); SendCMD(); timeout=1; getReply(); wait(0.5); serial.printf(buf); serial.printf("\n---------- Send String ----------\r\n"); strcpy(snd, "Hello"); serial.printf(snd); SendCMD(); timeout=3; getReply(); serial.printf(buf); } } //This function sends the command string to the ESP8266 void SendCMD() { esp.printf("%s", snd); } //This function establishes the space for the received string, starts a timer so that if things get stuck, the //app won't hang. void getReply() { memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf)); t.start(); ended=0; count=0; while(!ended) { if(esp.readable()) { buf[count] = esp.getc(); count++; } if( > timeout) { ended = 1; t.stop(); t.reset(); } } serial.printf(buf); }