7 years, 8 months ago.

Problems Open Exported Project with CoIDE, IAR. Ping Pong SX1276MB1MAS+Nucleo L152RE

I have two Nucleo L152RE and two LORA SX1276MB1MAS Shields.

I donwloaded the Ping-Pong DEMO (https://developer.mbed.org/components/SX1276MB1xAS/) to the online mbed compiler. From here I exported to 3 different IDE's: Keil uvision5, free version: The image was to big

So I tried CoIDE, which is free.

When I open the exported project: Chip STM32L152RD no downloaded, I accepted to download, but download failed.

I also tried IAR free version: after compiling unable to find STM32L152xE,

I woud like to work with CoIDe as it is not limited, what should I do?

And also, why are the targets differnt for IAR and CoIDE, one last lettler is D and the other E... Any help is appreciated

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