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7 years, 11 months ago.
Device Not Found (STM32F0xx) - CMSIS DAP debugger
I am trying to flash an STM32F030R8 MCU with the CMSIS DAP debugger, using Kiel uVision v. 5.23 and running Windows 10.
After getting "No Debug Device Unit Found" several times, I navigated to this page ( to look for some drivers. Not sure why it suggests that they aren't needed on Win10, so I downloaded them anyway.
I closed down all my browser windows, rebuilt the project, plugged in my MCU + debugger, and fired it up. When I tried to run the mbed driver installer, I got the error "No mbed Microcontrollers were found".
Here are my settings in Kiel:
I realize that this is a very common problem but without being able to install the necessary drivers I'm not sure how to proceed.
Thanks for any help!
2 Answers
7 years, 11 months ago.
This is an ST Nucleo Board? All of my Nucleo boards show up as STLinkV2 debuggers and work fine. Perhaps try that as a driver instead the cmsis option.
7 years, 11 months ago.
Can I ask what version of the mbed tools you used to export? Or rather, what the version of mbed or mbed-os is in your project? Maybe you could post the top level commit hash.
I've just used mbed-cli to export mbed-os-example-blinky for Uvision 5, and the drop down you see that says CMSIS DAP, instead says ST-Link debugger (which is the correct one for this ST board).