7 years, 9 months ago.

Importing mbed-dev to edit PeripheralPins.c for TARGET_STM32F767xI gives two errors on compilation.

I need to edit PeripheralPins.c to alter pin mappings for my needs. When I compile a program where i have imported mbed-dev to allow me to do this I get the following two errors.

Error: Identifier "RNG_HandleTypeDef" is undefined in "mbed-dev/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F7/TARGET_STM32F767xI/objects.h", Line: 75, Col: 6

Error: Identifier "SPI_HandleTypeDef" is undefined in "mbed-dev/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F7/common_objects.h", Line: 53, Col: 6

How do I correct these two errors ?

Is there another way to modify PeripheralPins.c ?

I've found the source of the compiler error. I had included stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h from my CubeMx program.

posted by David Fisher 31 Mar 2017
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