7 years, 4 months ago.

MODSERIAL - RX Interrupt


I have this simple code and I would like to use MODSERIAL RX Interrupt. When I start up my board, RX Interrupt does not work and i do not know why. Could You help me ?

#include "mbed.h"
#include "USBSerial.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include "at25sf041.h"
#include "string"
//#include "rtos.h"

string a;

DigitalOut LedStatus(P0_13);
DigitalOut LedBattery(P0_14);
DigitalOut USB_connect(P0_6);
AnalogIn ain(P0_11);

USBSerial usb(0x1f00, 0x2012, 0x0001, false);
DigitalIn Vbus(P0_3);
AT25SF041 memory(P0_9, P0_8, P0_10, P0_15);

MODSERIAL uart(P0_19, P0_18);
InterruptIn GPS_fix(P0_17);
volatile bool newline_detected = false;

char tmp[10];

void Rx_interrupt(MODSERIAL_IRQ_INFO *q)
    MODSERIAL *serial = q->serial;
    if ( serial->rxGetLastChar() == '\n') {
        newline_detected = true;
    LedBattery = !LedBattery;


void toogle()
    LedStatus = !LedStatus;

void usb_rx()

    LedStatus = !LedStatus;
    //tmp = usb.getc();
    LedStatus = !LedStatus;


int main()
    USB_connect = 0;
    uart.attach(&Rx_interrupt, MODSERIAL::RxIrq);

    while (1) {
        //  if (usb.readable())
        //   LedStatus = !LedStatus;
        //  tmp = usb.getc();
        // }

//  if (usb.readable()){
//  usb.scanf("%s", a);
//  usb.printf("%s", a);
//  }
        if (a == "l0" && newline_detected) {

            newline_detected = false;
            char c;
            while((c = uart.getc()) != '\n') {




So LedBattery does not toggle? Are you sure actual data arrives on that serial connection?

posted by Erik - 22 Mar 2017

LedBattery toggle only once. When I remove the condition a=="10" then the code works. There is GPS module on that UART and data arrives every one second.

posted by Peter Augustin 22 Mar 2017

Hello, Probably I found out problem. The problem is RX buffer because if RX buffer is full then interrupt is stopped. How can I clean RX buffer ?

posted by Peter Augustin 23 Mar 2017
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