7 years, 3 months ago.

How to programme the target MCU (NXP LPC1768)


Recently, I came across a few errors using Keil uvision 5 and exporting the programme from the mbed compiler. What are the other simple and reliable ways to actually programme the LPC1768 Chip? I am hoping for something straightforward where I simply export my files, load them into an IDE then build the project onto the MCU.


1 Answer

7 years, 3 months ago.

Hi Fraser,

Thanks for getting in touch, at this moment there are issues with exporting from the online-IDE which is why you seeing the errors, this is being worked on but until then i can suggest using our offline build option mbed-cli.

This will allow you to everything in the online-IDE import libraries, compile etc and even export to the needed toolchain.

It is located here. https://github.com/ARMmbed/mbed-cli

After installing CLI The commands would look something like this to download a blinky example using lpc1768.

You have now compiled the program, to export follow below

  • $ mbed export -i uvision5 -m lpc1768

If you need anything else, let me know


Andrea, team mbed

Accepted Answer

¿How can I import my mbed-online-program into the mbed-cli? I'm working under debian...

posted by Manuel Castro 06 Jul 2017