7 years, 9 months ago.

Trouble communication SPI

Hello, i want i send voltage to a component, which is regulated thanks to the AD5668. I wrote this code, but when i mesure the voltage, it kepps the same. Here is the code i wrote, maybe you could help me finding what's wrong :) Thanjks, Yann

#include "mbed.h"
#include "limits.h"
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
SPI spi(PA_7, PA_6, PA_5); // mosi, miso, sclk
DigitalOut cs(PA_4);
int main() {
    int rep =0;
    int bit32[32];
    int ch;
    int choix;
    // Chip must be deselected
    // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, high steady state clock,
    // second edge capture, with a 1MHz clock rate

//-----------------------Conversion de l'entier en 16 bits----------------------
 long int decimalNumber,remainder,quotient;
    int i=1,j,temp;
    char hexadecimalNumber[100];

    pc.printf("Ecrire dans le registre ADC(1)\n\n");
    pc.printf("Mettre a jour le registre ADC(2)\n\n");
    pc.printf("Ecrire et mettre a jour le registre ADC(3)\n\n");
    pc.printf("Mise sous tension ou hors tension(4)\n\n");
    pc.printf("Reinitialiser la mise sous tension (5)\n\n");
       switch(ch) {
        case 01:
            pc.printf("Quel pourcentage de voltage (0-65535) ?\n");

    quotient = decimalNumber;

         temp = quotient % 16;

      //To convert integer into character
      if( temp < 10)
           temp =temp + 48;
         temp = temp + 55;

      hexadecimalNumber[i++]= temp;
      quotient = quotient / 16;

    pc.printf("Equivalent hexadecimal value of decimal number %d: ",decimalNumber);
    for(j = i -1 ;j> 0;j--)
     { pc.printf("%c",hexadecimalNumber[j]); }
    // Select the device by seting chip select low
     cs = 0;
    rep = spi.write(0x00FFFFF0);
     pc.printf("\n rep: %d \n",rep); 
    case 02: 
     rep = spi.write(0x01F00000);
     pc.printf("\n rep2: %d \n",rep);
     pc.printf("Modification effectuee \n");
     case 03:   pc.printf("Quel pourcentage de voltage (0-65535) ?\n");

    quotient = decimalNumber;

         temp = quotient % 16;

      //To convert integer into character
      if( temp < 10)
           temp =temp + 48;
         temp = temp + 55;

      hexadecimalNumber[i++]= temp;
      quotient = quotient / 16;

    pc.printf("Equivalent hexadecimal value of decimal number %d: ",decimalNumber);
    for(j = i -1 ;j> 0;j--)
     { pc.printf("%c",hexadecimalNumber[j]); }
    // Select the device by seting chip select low
     cs = 0;
    rep = spi.write(0x02FFFFF0);
     pc.printf("\n rep: %d \n",rep); 
    case 04:  pc.printf("Souhaitez vous une mise en tension(1) ou hors tension (2) ?\n");
            if (choix == 1) {
                pc.printf("bien recu m\n");
           else if (choix == 2) {
                pc.printf("bien recu h\n");
            } else {
                pc.printf("Commande non reconnue\n");
     default: break;

/media/uploads/yanndb/capture1.png /media/uploads/yanndb/capture2.png

Here is the method to write to the AD. Do we agree that 0x02FFFFF0 should set the maximum voltage value et apply it directly ?

I just tried to mesure the voltage again and by changing the lines, i succeeded in getting a 7.12V voltage (started at 1). But i sent the maximum 16 bit value (FFFF) and it doesn't get me the maximum voltage, why ?

 // Select the device by seting chip select low
     cs = 0;
     pc.printf("\n rep: %d \n",rep)
posted by Yann De Baudus 09 Mar 2017

2 Answers

7 years, 9 months ago.

You need to break your write up into two 16-bit transactions, or four 8-bit transactions in order to shift all 32 bits required. Make sure you shift the most significant byte or word first. (EDIT: I see you are trying something like this. Make sure you set the format back to 8 bits though if you are doing 4 transactions)

Accepted Answer

Thank you for your answer as you said, i tried it and it seems to work, but nos as correctly as it should ! How do you make sure you shift the most significant byte or word first ? And do i have to set the format at 16 or 32 ?

posted by Yann De Baudus 09 Mar 2017

I would keep the format as 8 bit


and then shift the value out byte by byte such as

unsigned int val = 0xAABBCCDD; //whatever your 32-bit value to be written is

I have not looked at your algorithm in detail but make sure you follow all of the required initialization in the datasheet.


posted by Bill Bellis 10 Mar 2017

So i just tried your method, and it doesn't seem to work, the voltage is still the same ? Is it possible to do it like below ?


So i choose format (16,1) Plus, do i have to send bits in order to make the AD understand i want to "talk" to him before sending bit stream ? I am a bit confused

posted by Yann De Baudus 10 Mar 2017
7 years, 9 months ago.

The code above is very hard to read and understand. Please use the <<code>> and <</code>> tags to post your code.

Looks like you are setting up SPI in 16 bit mode


However, you send values as 32 bit. The SPI write will truncate that to the least significant 16 bits.

//Select the device by seting chip select low
cs = 0; 
rep = spi.write(0x00FFFFF0);

Thank you for your answer, i corrected it, but the datasheet says it is a 16 bits SPI voltage output, BUT they ask me 32 bits to communicate with the AD5668 (4 useless, 4 command, 4 adress, 16 instruction, 4 useless again) :/

posted by Yann De Baudus 09 Mar 2017