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8 years ago.
Port RS485 Library?
Im trying to get RS485 Communication working using Gammons RS485 blocking Library which is meant for arduino.
I've been trying to port this library here is the link to library page byGammon
However I'm having little to no luck could anyone assist me in this?
#include "WConstants.h" typedef void (*WriteCallback) (const byte what); // send a byte to serial port typedef int (*AvailableCallback) (); // return number of bytes available typedef int (*ReadCallback) (); // read a byte from serial port void sendMsg (WriteCallback fSend, const byte * data, const byte length); byte recvMsg (AvailableCallback fAvailable, ReadCallback fRead, byte * data, const byte length, unsigned long timeout = 500);
/* RS485 protocol library. Devised and written by Nick Gammon. Date: 14 November 2011 Version: 1.1 Version 1.1 reset the timeout period after getting STX. Can send from 1 to 255 bytes from one node to another with: * Packet start indicator (STX) * Each data byte is doubled and inverted to check validity * Packet end indicator (ETX) * Packet CRC (checksum) To allow flexibility with hardware (eg. Serial, SoftwareSerial, I2C) you provide three "callback" functions which send or receive data. Examples are: void fWrite (const byte what) { Serial.write (what); } int fAvailable () { return Serial.available (); } int fRead () { return (); } PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software. */ #include <mbed.h> #include <RS485_protocol.h> Timer lapse; const byte STX = '\2'; const byte ETX = '\3'; // calculate 8-bit CRC static byte crc8 (const byte *addr, byte len) { byte crc = 0; while (len--) { byte inbyte = *addr++; for (byte i = 8; i; i--) { byte mix = (crc ^ inbyte) & 0x01; crc >>= 1; if (mix) crc ^= 0x8C; inbyte >>= 1; } // end of for } // end of while return crc; } // end of crc8 // send a byte complemented, repeated // only values sent would be (in hex): // 0F, 1E, 2D, 3C, 4B, 5A, 69, 78, 87, 96, A5, B4, C3, D2, E1, F0 void sendComplemented (WriteCallback fSend, const byte what) { byte c; // first nibble c = what >> 4; fSend ((c << 4) | (c ^ 0x0F)); // second nibble c = what & 0x0F; fSend ((c << 4) | (c ^ 0x0F)); } // end of sendComplemented // send a message of "length" bytes (max 255) to other end // put STX at start, ETX at end, and add CRC void sendMsg (WriteCallback fSend, const byte * data, const byte length) { fSend (STX); // STX for (byte i = 0; i < length; i++) sendComplemented (fSend, data [i]); fSend (ETX); // ETX sendComplemented (fSend, crc8 (data, length)); } // end of sendMsg // receive a message, maximum "length" bytes, timeout after "timeout" clock_mseconds // if nothing received, or an error (eg. bad CRC, bad data) return 0 // otherwise, returns length of received data byte recvMsg (AvailableCallback fAvailable, // return available count ReadCallback fRead, // read one byte byte * data, // buffer to receive into const byte length, // maximum buffer size unsigned long timeout) // clock_mseconds before timing out { unsigned long start_time = lapse.read_ms(); bool have_stx = false; // variables below are set when we get an STX bool have_etx; byte input_pos; bool first_nibble; byte current_byte; while (lapse.read_ms() - start_time < timeout) { if (fAvailable () > 0) { byte inByte = fRead (); switch (inByte) { case STX: // start of text have_stx = true; have_etx = false; input_pos = 0; first_nibble = true; start_time = lapse.read_ms(); // reset timeout period break; case ETX: // end of text have_etx = true; break; default: // wait until packet officially starts if (!have_stx) break; // check byte is in valid form (4 bits followed by 4 bits complemented) if ((inByte >> 4) != ((inByte & 0x0F) ^ 0x0F) ) return 0; // bad character // convert back inByte >>= 4; // high-order nibble? if (first_nibble) { current_byte = inByte; first_nibble = false; break; } // end of first nibble // low-order nibble current_byte <<= 4; current_byte |= inByte; first_nibble = true; // if we have the ETX this must be the CRC if (have_etx) { if (crc8 (data, input_pos) != current_byte) return 0; // bad crc return input_pos; // return received length } // end if have ETX already // keep adding if not full if (input_pos < length) data [input_pos++] = current_byte; else return 0; // overflow break; } // end of switch } // end of incoming data } // end of while not timed out return 0; // timeout } // end of recvMsg
I have successfully ported this library over to mbed and will publish it soon if you need it earlier please let me know
posted by Aaron Allar 27 Feb 2017