7 years, 5 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Off Topic

Multiple I2C Devices....programming tips please

With some great help from Wim Huiskamp I successfully created programmes to read the temperature from a TMP102 sensor and display the output on 2 x 7 segment displays. I created a SegDisplay.c and .h files, GetTemperature.c and .h files and a Temperature7SegDisplay.c file. When compiled and built everything worked perfect. My question now is I have a ADXL345, HMC6352 and ITG3200 I2C devices that I would like to put together and read_display say every 1 sec the output from each sensor. Is the best way to make a working file to simply import the devices libraries or use the .c and .h files like I did with the TMP102? Any pointers (pardon the pun) to put me on the right path would be greatly appreciated. If I import the individual devices libraries how do I get at the returned data? Many thanks in advance for your patience and help.

I have read some of the posts here and understand the neccessity of individual device addressing do the libraries set these? The libraries I am using are by Aaron Berk in the main.