9 years, 2 months ago.

Problem with nRF51 DK on-board J-Link OB USB detection

Hi guys,

Recently purchased nrf51 DK board. I'm facing issue with on board J-Link OB USB detection. The J-Link trace led LD5 on board is off all the time. Tested on different PC's running Win 8 and Fedora 21.

JLinkExe log running on Fedora 21:

|dvb|sudo ./JLinkExe
[sudo] password for bhuvan:
SEGGER J-Link Commander V4.98b ('?' for help)
Compiled Apr 10 2015 20:27:38
Can not connect to J-Link via USB.
Reset delay: 0 ms
Reset type UNKNOWN: ???

lsusb doesn't show the device! even on device manager on windows doesn't show the device!

Did some one faced this issue! how can i solve this issue ?

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