8 years, 1 month ago.

ARM MBED Online compiler not working


1. Latest Online mbed compiler not working most of the times for my FRDM-K64F board. Very few times it does. 2. Also, "find in program" functionality also does not report search results.

Everything was working fine till yesterday. It stopped working today. Is it that the arm servers are down or is there a problem at my end?

Please advise!

5 Answers

8 years, 1 month ago.

Hi all,

Sincerest apologies for this and thanks for your reports. We've now resolved this issue and taken steps to ensure it doesn't happen again.

We're trying to make sure the community has more visibility on such issues and so have made a post on our status page with some more context.

Best, Phil

Web Team Lead

Accepted Answer
8 years, 1 month ago.

I also have this problem as the build and compile functions go on for ages. I have a ublox C027 board. I tried switching between computers and restarting but definitely a problem from their end

8 years, 1 month ago.

Same problem here.

8 years, 1 month ago.

Same here. Seems like the service has been struggling with delays/heavy load the last couple of weeks.

The service status say's everything is OK. http://mbed.status.io/

8 years, 1 month ago.

I'm also facing the same issue, even when I try to commit my work, as well as at compiling.