7 years, 10 months ago.

reading resource problem with mbed connector

Hi, I created a simple program with mbed client and mbed os which creates a resource called "/device/0/name" on my device. I can read the resource value with GET or PUT new values on it with mbed connector dashboard or Java sample app with no problem. I create a node red sample which does the same thing. If I use this command on my node red it works fine: GET https://api.connector.mbed.com/v2/endpoints/<my device id> and its response with the value: [{"uri":"/device/0/name","obs":true,"type":""},{"uri":"/3/0","obs":false,"type":""}]" and it is OK. The problem is when I want to get a resource value with this: GET https://api.connector.mbed.com/v2/endpoints/<my device id>/device/0/name it gives me this: ""{"async-response-id":"blahblah#<my device id>@blahblah/device/0/name"}"" (blah is mixing words and numbers) It does not contain any payload. I read the API documention and it says to create a notification call back but I don't have any URLs to register that. I only need to read my device's resource value. I am really getting confused. Can you help? Thanks

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