8 years ago.

problems with strcat()

Hello, Im' having an issue with my program.

void inserisciPassword(char matrix[PASSWORDS][MAX])
    char pass[10];
    char buffer[PASSWORDS];
    int cnt=0;

it gives me this error: Error: Argument of type "char" is incompatible with parameter of type "const char *" in "main.cpp", Line: 21, Col: 29

Could you please help me?

1 Answer

8 years ago.

strcat takes two character arrays as parameters http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/strcat/


Here, you are passing in a character array(matrix[cnt]) and a character(buffer[cnt]). As buffer is a character array, buffer[cnt] will give you the character at position cnt. As an aside, you have not initialized the buffer, so you are not concatenating anything to matrix[cnt].

Accepted Answer