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8 years, 1 month ago.
Coding-with-MS-Visual-Studio broken links
All the links on this page are broken:
Any alternatives? Thank you in advance =)
2 Answers
8 years, 1 month ago.
there's a pull request open currently to add visual studio code. This is currently under development, you can fetch it and provide feedback
What I'm understanding is that there are no plans to fix the broken links (so why the webpage is still active?). I took a look at your link and I couldn't see any relation with the mbed' headers, probably because I overlooked it.
In fact, what I want to do is to use gVIM as my editor, so I wanted to see how it was done on VS (I'm not a Windows user), and then to adapt the solution to Linux and any other externar editor.
posted by 17 Jan 20178 years, 1 month ago.
if all you need is vim, then: VS uses a plugin called VSVIM to provide a vim interface to the editor. Just install it as one of the supported packages. I have used it and it is fairly good.
Thanks for the tip! However I don't use Windows, so I would to check out whether VS runs on Wine ;)
What I understood from is that the header files need to be downloaded in order to do autocompletion. I need to find out whether there exist an alternative way of downloading such headers, which in turn means VS is not needed at all as long as the editor has access to the headers, for example, using the Clang plugins for Vim.
posted by 18 Jan 2017