7 years, 6 months ago.

Discussion rejected

Hi, I'm trying to create an apparently innocuous discussion in the mbed forum, and something seems to be triggering some filter and I'm not allowed to publish it. Any help would be great. Best regards.

2 Answers

7 years, 6 months ago.


Thanks for your question,

I take this very seriously if your questions are not being shown, can you let me know any descriptions of the posts/questions with an email at support@mbed.org to keep it private.

Erik is correct there have been issues with spam and this may have been the cause, going to look into this with your reply!


Andrea, team mbed

Accepted Answer

Thanks for your help Andrea. Already sent you as suggested an email with further details. Best regards.

posted by Carlos López Molina 04 Jan 2017

Thank you very much Andrea for your support through support@mbed.org. Best regards.

posted by Carlos López Molina 05 Jan 2017
7 years, 6 months ago.

There have been huge issues with spam on mbed site, I suppose it triggers one of the protections against it. Possibly an URL it doesn't like?

Problem with discussions on mbed site is that since they changed homepage to the current layout, you don't notice there is a discussion going on, so they quickly die.

Thanks a lot Erik, thats what I guessed. In my first try I had a link to developer.mbed.org ... and I supposed that was the culprit. Then, as it was a link to code to show my test case, I changed it to < <program users/...> >, but some filter still didn't like it. I also had some code snippet with source code. At the end, I had to delete everything and only leave the description of my question with no links to a published code or code snippet. It was accepted but pending of approval. When it gets approved I will try to edit it and put the whoe information, otherwise my question will be difficult to answer :-D

I understand there have been lots of issues with spam, and as this was my first question in mbed (I use to try by myself and look for existing answers before opening duplicated questions), I must be a kind of untrusted user and the bar might be a bit higher in such a cases. Anyway, just in case some forum manager is reading this, it would be great to have some guidelines of obvious things to avoid being rejected, for instance not including links to external sites. Thank you and best regards.

posted by Carlos López Molina 03 Jan 2017