7 years, 11 months ago.

kl46z firmware upgrade is broken

Hi all, I'm trying to update firmware on a KL46Z board. clicking on the link on page:


instead of downloading a zipped binary file, it just gives me an ascii file of numbers whose first few lines are:

S31500008000B8F6FF1F2987000031870000338700007C S315000080103587000037870000398700000000000020 S315000080200000000000000000000000008D84000039 S315000080303D870000000000001585000065850000F2 S315000080404387000043870000438700004387000002 S3150000805043870000438700004387000043870000F2 S3150000806043870000438700004387000043870000E2 S3150000807043870000438700004387000043870000D2 .....

which isn't too useful. Save as generates a text file. I'm using chrome on Kubuntu 16.04 but have tried firefox as well - not any difference though.

I've tried renaming the text file as "20140530_k20dx128_kl46z_if_opensda.s19" and thencopying that. I then end up with a board thats not recognized by my pc as anything unless I plug it in in botloader mode.....

I'm guessing something is wrong in the file ?

Can anyone point me to the correct binary file please ? Or otherwise elucidate what to do with the text file etc...

2 Answers

7 years, 11 months ago.

So this is more of a browser issue, you should always right click, save as. Extension should be .s19

I have updated the pages to also contain a ZIP version to work around this issue.


You should now be able to download it :)


Andrea, team mbed

Accepted Answer

Did chris react very fast or did you accept the answer yourself?

posted by Erik - 04 Jan 2017

Answer was set as accepted the help clarify the bug fix for future issues. :)

Thanks for your help :)


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 04 Jan 2017

However that is only part of the issue, the remaining issue is that KLxx devices are as far as I am aware still shipped with firmware which does not work under Windows 10. (Or at least still in stock as distributors).

posted by Erik - 04 Jan 2017
7 years, 11 months ago.

In Chrome right mouse button, save link as works. However yeah, it would be alot better if they did it like the KL25Z where it opens a ZIP. Then again I had issues with directly updating from the ZIP file, which didnt work (eg drag and dropping from the ZIP file), while updating by drag and dropping from extracted ZIP file did work.

Back to your issue, renaming it to that file name should do the job. Assuming you use Windows, if you do that it should tell you that you are changing the file extension, and it shouldn't have the .txt pictogram anymore. If it doesn't, there is still a hidden .txt extension there. Then you need to enable displaying of file extensions in Windows explorer.

The second issue is programming the device. Which Windows version are you using? Most likely they ship still with an outdated bootloader, which does not support Linux, Mac, or Windows 8.1/Windows 10. Easiest is using Windows 7 to update, if you got it available. Otherwise, follow this tutorial: https://mcuoneclipse.com/2016/08/01/Bricking_and_Recovering_OpenSDA_Boards_in_Windows_8_and_10/. After you did this, you should be able to program the mbed .s19 file.