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8 years, 2 months ago.
mbed library build 121 vs 130
Hello all,
I am having a hard time with this... In a system that is being develop is used an SD card and the internal RTC for a timestamp logger. The problem is if the version 121 is used the SD card compiles ok and everything work but the date have a bug:
<CODE time_t hora = time(NULL); char buffer[32]; strftime(buffer, 32, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&hora)); pc.printf("Start time = %s\n", buffer); CODE>
what is print out is: Start time = 11/12/2048 15:32:07 The year have an increment of 32.
If just write this code and compile with the last version 130 it displays all correct so i supposed is not an RTC problem (have a RTC battery, so no time change). But if try to implement the SD library SDFileSystem using the mbed 130 it gives me an 2 errors while compile and can not compile.
Error: Member "mbed::FileBase::_name" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/SD_read_writeextras/mbed_d75b3fe1f5cb/drivers/FileBase.h', '76'); return false;">/extras/mbed_d75b3fe1f5cb/drivers/FileBase.h:76</a>) is inaccessible in "SDFileSystem/FATFileSystem/FATFileSystem.cpp", Line: 51, Col: 69
Error: Member "mbed::FileBase::_name" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/SD_read_writeextras/mbed_d75b3fe1f5cb/drivers/FileBase.h', '76'); return false;">/extras/mbed_d75b3fe1f5cb/drivers/FileBase.h:76</a>) is inaccessible in "SDFileSystem/FATFileSystem/FATFileSystem.cpp", Line: 69, Col: 73
Info: Unable to download. Fix the reported errors...
Is there any solution for this problem? Or do i need to manipulate the year to have the correct in the time stamp but with this option will not have the latest library build...
Thanks, Timóteo