7 years, 8 months ago.

ERROR: There has been an error opening your workspace. Please try again later or contact support.

I get this error message when I try to open the on-line compiler. Internet Explorer on windows PC. I tried on a different PC running windows 7 and I also tried the Google chrome browser - same ERROR message on all. I also tried deleting the LPC1768 from the compiler and that made no difference.

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

Hi Chuck,

Your workspace was missing, I'm not sure why at this point. I will investigate, in the meantime I've created an empty workspace for you that you can use.


Thank you, however, when I login and attempt to bring up the compiler I still get the same ERROR message that I got before. Should I de-activate my account and create anew account and try again?

posted by Chuck Hessing 30 Nov 2016

Hi Chuck you should find that your account works now with an empty workspace.

posted by Stephen Paulger 30 Nov 2016