7 years, 7 months ago.

How to get a reliable working debug workflow

I am trying to get a reliable workflow to take projects out of the mbed online compiler and into /lPCExpresso or Kinetis Studio.

If anyone has a similar combination that works please explain your setup.

Any help appreciated

Here are two example problems...

Using FRDM KL64 and the blinky project exporting from online MBED

1)export to KDS from web based mbed tools 2)Import into KDS Result fatal error: lwip/opt.h: No such file or directory lwip_sys.c /mbed-os-example-blinky/mbed-os/features/FEATURE_LWIP/lwip-interface/lwip/src/core line 39 C/C++ Problem

Using FRDM KL64 and the blinky project and mbed-cli

1)Export from the cli (it creates a project file but the documentation suggests which says there should be an export folder) 2)Import to KDS 3)Build Result lot of errors pointing to mbed OS and STM32

What is the obvious thing I am doing wrong ?

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