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8 years, 4 months ago.
Is there any tutorials for mbed BLE client??
Hello all
I am now looking for a tutorials to build a mbed BLE client. I could find API documentation and sample programs, but I want to find a tutorials for building original client device if possible.
My question is mainly directed to the order & role of the BLE functions. It is like which function should be called former or later than the other ones, which parameter should be set in any purpose etc... Even though I could find it with these documentation and samples, I would like to know if there are any (official) tutorials for the API.
Please tell me if you know any Web pages, Movies, Blogs or Articles.
Thanks in advane. Marchall
2 Answers
8 years, 3 months ago.
Hi Marchall,
Thanks for your question :),
What platform are you planning to use?
The nordic website has very good resources for understanding this:
Andrea, team mbed
8 years, 3 months ago.
Hi Marchall,
There is one examples (here) demonstrating the BLE GAP central role and the GATT client role (both peripheral and central can act as a client) in our official examples. It is a good example to start your journey with GattClient.
If you want to learn more about the connection parameters you can checkout our documentation about it: here.
Thank you Vincent for the link. I am not using the mbedOS so I wanted to see API documents like below and its training. Since the BLE is still under development, I did not expect so much but your link helped me find the link.
posted by 14 Nov 2016
What I want to do is simple, it is to create the client(central) device with BLE Nano to connect certain peripheral device. The peripheral device has a service and a characteristic, and I want to know how to read and write the data of the peripheral device. I could find samples but it is hard to find the way to implement any client applications. It is like, necessary steps or order of functions to access(R/W) the characteristic data.
posted by Marchall Oakbow 14 Nov 2016