7 years, 10 months ago.

Not able to export Nucleo_blink_led with mbed-dev to System Workbench for STM32

I am trying to export the blinky a project for the NUCLEO 411RE. to use it with the System Workbench for STM32 compiler. therfore I deleted the mbed library and imported the mbed-dev library whichincludes the source code. When I try to export, I get the message: "An error occured during export. Please contact the support."

Has somebody an idea?

1 Answer

7 years, 10 months ago.

Hi Roland,

We are currently having issues with the exporters at the moment, but i will let you know as soon as i have more information :)

Let me know if i can help you with any alternatives.


Andrea, team mbed

Tank you for the information. In order I don't know when this will be fixed, it would be nice if you can give me an alternative for System Workbench for STM32 or Attolic TrueStudio for ARM 6.0 Lite. Kind Regards Kai

posted by Roland Deschain 31 Oct 2016


Have you looked at mbed-CLI? This will allow offline compilation and importing of mbed libraries etc.



Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 31 Oct 2016

I tried it and the export will not work correctly with the cli for System Workbench for STM32. I get compiler errors with the standart blinky example from mbed. When I tired my own blinky code https://developer.mbed.org/users/xdeschain/code/Nucleo_blink_led/ I am not able to compile after importing to the cli. See this topic: https://developer.mbed.org/questions/75781/Having-problems-compiling-with-newly-ins/

posted by Roland Deschain 03 Nov 2016