7 years, 7 months ago.

can not connect the device Nucleo-F334R8 to mbed?


I can't find the device in workspace manger it told me the no device selected, however its connected to my computer

Thank You

1 Answer

7 years, 7 months ago.

Hi Faris,

Sorry for the issues you are having, hopefully i can help :)

  • Has the device ever worked on this computer or any other?
  • What operating system are you using?

Have you updated the firmware to the device, located here:

Nucleo ST-LINK/V2 driver installation and firmware upgrade

  • Install the ST-LINK/V2 driver before connecting the Nucleo board to your PC the first time. Follow this LINK for all details.
  • For optimum performances, ensure that the Nucleo ST-LINK/V2 firmware is upgraded to the latest version. Follow this LINK for all details.

If you need more information on the board look here

Let me know if theres anything else i can help you with :)

Best Regards,

Andrea, team mbed

Hi Andrea,

Thank tou so much for your help, and I solved the problem. It was because I didn't added the device to my compiler.

Best regrads,


posted by Alexandre JAFFRE 26 Oct 2016