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8 years, 2 months ago.
serial textlcd not able to implement with ble? anyone tried before.
serial textlcd
#include "mbed.h" #include "ble/BLE.h" #include "CyclingSpeedAndCadenceService.h" #include "ble/services/BatteryService.h" #include "ble/services/DeviceInformationService.h" //#include "SDFileSystem.h" #include "SoftSerial.h" #include "SerialLCD.h" //SDFileSystem sd(D2, D1, D0, D3, "sd"); //SoftSerial SoftSerial(PinName D4, PinName NC, const char* name = NULL); //SerialLCD Seriall(NC, D4); BLE ble; Timer timer; Timer t; Timeout nopulses; InterruptIn pulses(P0_7); DigitalOut pulses2(P0_28); const static char DEVICE_NAME[] = "Henrymeter"; static const uint16_t uuid16_list[] = {GattService::UUID_CYCLING_SPEED_AND_CADENCE, GattService::UUID_DEVICE_INFORMATION_SERVICE }; uint32_t c; uint16_t oldvalue; uint16_t min; uint16_t r; //const int blades = 6; volatile long int rpmf; volatile long int rpm; uint16_t total=0; // init crank to 10revs uint16_t totalizer; volatile long int irritime= 0; uint32_t nextWheel = 0; uint32_t nextCrank = 0; //char totalstring[10], flowstring[10]; // create string arrays static volatile bool triggerWheel = false; static volatile bool triggerCrank = false; static volatile bool afterreset = false; void endprocess(); void timing(); void display(); void interup() ; void onTick(void); void disconnectionCallback(Gap::Handle_t handle, Gap::DisconnectionReason_t reason) {; // restart advertising } void setup() { mySerial.baud(9600); // set up serial port for 9600 baud wait(0.5); // wait for display to boot up mySerial.write(254); // cursor to beginning of first line mySerial.write(130); mySerial.write(" "); // clear display mySerial.write(" "); mySerial.write(254); // cursor to beginning of first line mySerial.write(130); mySerial.write("GPM= "); // clear display + legends mySerial.write(254); // cursor to beginning of first line mySerial.write(192); mySerial.write("Ac-inch= "); } void loop() { temp = random(1000); // make some fake data rpm = random(10000); float speed = (((rpmf/6)*60)/ blades) * 6.28f * 9 * 322.51*0.00026417; sprintf(flowstring,"%1.2f", speed); // create strings from the numbers sprintf(totalstring,"%1.2f",total*0.01); // right-justify to 4 spaces mySerial.write(254); // cursor to 7th position on first line mySerial.write(135); mySerial.write(flowstring); // write out the RPM value mySerial.write(254); // cursor to 7th position on second line mySerial.write(201); mySerial.write(totalstring); // write out the TEMP value wait(1); // short delay }
the lcd i am using can be found in teh following link:
posted by jayendra mishra 19 Oct 2016